External Shocks

  • 7.2 The Merits and Defects of Competition in Science

    07.11 Decentralized Science (DeSci): Promises and Limitations of Blockchain Based Initiatives for Sustainable Value Creation in Academia

    10.05 Sustainable inter-organizational networks for post-disaster recovery

    07.09 “Diverse We Stand!” Organizational Leadership Diversity and Sustainable Value Creation in Periods of Crisis

    4.2 Cooperation, punishment, and group change in multilevel public goods experiments

    7.8 Agentic and communal occupational stereotypes in medical specializations in the Netherlands

    10.4 Cooperation in Situations of Radical Uncertainty

    7.3 The professional-private life distinction and its implications for employees’ well-being and cooperation with co-workers

    7.7 The role of organizational diversity approaches and employee diversity ideologies in LGBTQI+ inclusion in organizations

    10.6: Global financial governance networks: ruptures, reforms and the rise of China

    1.3 The Provision of Care: Decentralization and Cooperation

    7.4 Diversity and multiplexity on the job: drawing on colleagues for career success

    7.6 Cross-border network governance for sustainable training in health care

    4.5 Sustainable Labor Market Integration of First Generation Migrant Groups: The Quest for the ‘Migrant-Organization Fit’

    4.3. Volunteering for helping refugees in the Netherlands: Building a common identity

    4.1 Caring Communities: Integrating Newcomers into the Labour Market

    10.3 The Link between Cooperation and Social Networks: Exclusion or Stimulation of Defectors?

    4.2 Sustainability of Public Goods in a Changing Society

    7.5 Sustainable Collaboration in Care: Joint Production Motivation and Interprofessional Learning in an Interorganizational Network